Spring Newsletter Published!

Hello!  For a free copy of my spring newsletter full of tips on enhancing your health from Chinese medicine, just send me your information:

Privacy policy: I’ll never give your information to anyone else or sell it, and I won’t spam you; I’ll only use it to let you know when the next newsletter is published (quarterly, except for occasional special reports, so maybe 6 times a year), and you can even opt out of that if you like, just say so in the comments section.

As always, you can also find news on the latest research into natural and holistic health approaches on my blog at http://acunews.wordpress.com.

Welcome to Agape Acupuncture’s Web Site!

Thanks for visiting! Above you at the top of your screen are links to the pages that talk about the kind of work I do, my office location, and so on. Please look around and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be blogging on this page at least once a month or so, including with special promotions, so check back for the latest news!

Chinese scene