Coronavirus Concerns

Disclaimer: nothing anywhere on this blog, or that I’ve written here, is intended as medical advice, or to substitute for medical advice, or intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It’s intended for educational, informational, or entertainment purposes only. Before making any changes to your health care regimen always consult your qualified licensed health care professional. The word “you” is used below only to refer to myself.


Ok folks, a lot of people have been asking me whether we should be concerned about the new coronavirus. At first, I wasn’t too worried about it, since the press is notorious for blowing things out of proportion and exaggerating the true dangers. Remember the panic about Ebola? I figured this was going to be the same thing.

I still don’t think there’s any need for panic, but recent news suggests to me that it’s a good idea to start taking some sensible precautions. COVID-19, the particular coronavirus causing trouble now, is basically a bad flu. In a typical year, the flu kills a little less than .1% of those who get it, so less than one in a thousand. According to the World Health Organization, this coronavirus so far has killed roughly 2% of the people who contracted it. How accurate that figure is we don’t really know, but if it’s correct then it’s about 20 times more lethal than the average flu.

First, let’s be prepared:

This is worth doing for other reasons as well, such as earthquake preparedness, and that website’s suggestions for frequently using hand sanitizer and so on are sound. I’d recommend storing at least two weeks’ worth of supplies, including food and water, medicines, and so on – whatever you need if you have to stay inside and avoid contact with others for some time.

A couple of points: hand-washing is substantially better than using a regular hand sanitizer, but you should still have some sanitizer with you, for times when it’s difficult to get to a sink. Also, I like to boost my hand sanitizer by adding some “thieves oil” (a blend of essential oils) to it. I like the recipe given here: and you can get a different version of it at Dandelion Botanical. Because it’s so strong, add only 6-12 drops of the oil mixture per ounce of sanitizer, and mix well. Use it when you’re out and about and touch doorknobs and other surfaces that many other people also come into contact with.

Chinese medicine has a lot to offer us as well; it has a history of fighting epidemics (see the story on my webpage: I received some reports about how doctors in China are treating the virus, and the good news is that those receiving herbs in addition to drugs are having the best outcomes. I’ve gone through the formulas they used, and have ordered the herbs from them.

The most important strategy is again, prevention. I like taking vitamin D, Host Defense’s formula MyCommunity combined with some Turkey Tail extract, on a regular basis. Also eat well so you get good nutrition, and do some good exercise, like Qi Gong.

My research suggests the following herb tea can help prevent an invasion of the bad Qi.

2 tablespoons fresh ginger root, chopped

2 tablespoons dried orange peel (you can use lemon if you prefer)

1 tablespoon whole cinnamon (i.e., not powdered, but from a stick of cinnamon that’s been broken up)

1 teaspoon opened cardamom pods

1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns

1/4 teaspoon whole cloves (about 3-5 cloves)

Simmer these, covered, in 6 cups of water for an hour. If too strong, dilute until it’s palatable. Drink one cup at least three times a day, and wrap yourself up in a warm blanket as you drink. If you sweat, it’s good.

If I’m not sure whether I’m hot or cold, or feel both at alternate times, I can use this shotgun formula, especially if all I have available are kitchen herbs: juice of one-half a lemon or one lime, 2 tsp fresh oregano (or 1 tsp dried), 1-2 Tbsp fresh basil, 2 cloves raw, crushed (not chopped!) garlic, 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, and 1/2 to one cup water; blend thoroughly and drink, again three or more times a day.

Now, if after a couple of days I’m still sick or feel worse, it means the pathogen is quite strong and has entered in further. The regimens I just mentioned will no longer be effective, and different herbs are necessary. Normally, a good thing to do is to see my acupuncturist, who can make a precise diagnosis and prescribe exactly the right herbs for my condition, unless I believe my condition is life-threatening, of course, then I’ll call an ambulance or go to the ER.

If I have any of these symptoms, I will also stay in and be sure not to go out anywhere – basically, quarantine myself – because I’m quite likely to be contagious at this stage. The last thing I want to do is make other people sick.

Of course, it goes without saying if you’re feeling so ill you’re concerned for your life – you have trouble breathing, for example, or have a high fever – you should go to the emergency room, or call an ambulance.

Ok, to summarize (these are for me, not advice for anyone else, see disclaimer above):

(1) Prepare for having to stay in for an extended time by getting things like storable food and water

(2) Hand-wash liberally and use a souped-up hand sanitizer when you can’t

(3) Eat well, do your Qi Gong, and take herbs to strengthen your Qi

(4) Have some herbs ready for the first sign of a cold or flu

Best of luck and let’s take care of each other!

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